March 23, 2022

Unbrokable* Contents 50 Real Reasons


50 Real Reasons why being Broke In spite of Hard Working 



1. Drinking and Smoking 

2. Having too Many Children 

3. Getting into Debt Too Easily 

4. Not Using Systems you Already Paid 

5. Double Spending Lifestyle 

6. Being an Asshole 

7. Expensive Hobbies 

8. Living in Areas Costing More Money 

9. Marrying a Spouse Not having Income 

10. Social Media Addiction 

11. Not Imitating a Billionaire 

12. Gullible 

13. Not Getting up Early Cycle 

14. Too Religious 

15. Having a Bad Reputation 

16. Travel too Expensive Way 

17. Vanity 

18. Eating too Much 

19. Approaching too Many Women 

20. Greed 

21. Smart Phone Addiction 

22. Making Yourself Undesirable 

23. Living without Your Own Mind 

24. Reckless Character 

25. Preventable Medical Problems 

26. Unnecessary Legal Problems 

27. Keeping a TV 

28. Talking Too Much 

29. Spending Much for Pointless Education 

30. Not Doing Things Yourself 

31. Not Working Fairly 

32. Changing Jobs Too Often 

33. Quitting a Job Easily 

34. Stuck in a Low Paying Job 

35. Living in too Big or Old Houses 

36. No Side Income 

37. Lack of Financial Knowledge 

38. No Interest in Further Education 

39. Too interested in Politics 

40. Having Too Many Pets 

41. Messy Environments 

42. Lack of Alone Time 

43. Not Simplifying 

44. Being Impulsive 

45. Not Being a Good Parent 

46. Too Many Subscriptions 

47. Lavish Spending Style 

48. Divorce 

49. Eating Out All The Time 

50. Other Bad Habits 


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