Showing posts with label Investment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Investment. Show all posts

January 03, 2023


 When I think about it, I have never lost money on stock market so far.  

Jan, 2023





Plus, I have gotten at least $20,000 dividend every year.  

First day of stock market


It's 1/3/2023 and today is the first day of stock market.

I already made $4,500 profit for this year.   

March 14, 2022

8 Reasons why people get poor

 무엇이 인간을 가난하게 만드는가?

믿거나 말거나, 일을 안해서 가난해 진 사람은 별로 없음.  오히려 가난한 사람이 더 많이 하는 것 같기도 하고.... 

내가 생각하는 사람이 가난해 지는 이유들. 

1. 술, 담배
2.  너무 많은 자녀
3. 몰기지, 카론, 크레딧 카드 등의 무분별한 빚
4. 사치
5. 금전 감각 및 교육의 부재
6. 무절제한 삶
7. 그에 따른 건강 악화 및 법적인 문제들
8. 지나친 욕심

Believe it or not, not many people are poor since they do not work hard.  Often, poor works longer than rich.

8 Reasons why people get poor

1.  Drinking and smoking
2.  Having too many children
3.  Easy to get into debt including mortgage, car loan and credit card.
4.  Lavishing life style
5.  Lack of financial sense and education
6.  Lack of self control
7.  Health and legal issues caused by 6
8.  Greed

Illinois Dividend Tax Exempt

일리노이 거주자의 경우, 아래 4 회사 배당금은 state tax를 낼 필요 없음.

Abbott (Chicago/Subzone 22S)
Abbvie (Chicago/Subzone 22S)
Caterpillar (Peoria/Sub Zone 114A)
Walgreen (Chicago/Subzone 22)

If you live in Illinois, you do not have to pay tax on dividend of those stocks.


 대부분 사람들은 모르지만, 오늘 본드 가격 하락.  요즘 이자율이라면, 주식 투자할 이유가 없음.

Most of people do not know this, but bond prices dropped big time today.  My recommendation is bond ETF.


Dividends are 2-6% a year and monthly paid.  Fee would be 0.04-0.15% a year.