May 08, 2022

UnBrokable*: 80 Reasons Why being Broke In spite of Hard Working



1. Drinking and Smoking
2. Having Too Many Children
3. Getting into Debt Too Easily
4. Not Using Systems Already Paid For 
5. Double Spending Lifestyle
6. Living in an Expensive Area
7. Social Media Addiction
8. Betraying Unpleasantly
9. Making Yourself Undesirable
10. Marrying a Spouse without Income

11. Auto Addiction 
12. Pointlessly Expensive Educations
13. Not Imitating a Billionaire
14. Too Religious
15. Being Gullible
16. Not Going Against Destiny
17.  Giving up a Little Too Early
18. Preferring Other Things to Money
19.  Keeping a TV
20. Travel too Expensive Way

21.  Having Too Many Pets
22.  Being Unnecessarily Busy
23.  Eating Too Much
24.  Approaching too Many Women
25.  Not Living Long Enough
26.  Not Having Strong Opinion 
27.  Living Recklessly
28.  Preventable Medical Problems
29.  Unnecessary Legal Problems
30.  Talking Too Much

31.  Expensive Hobbies
32.  Not Doing Things Yourself
33.  Not Working Fairly
34.  Not Being Persistent 
35.  Stuck in a Low Paying Job
36.  Not Minding Your Own Business 
37.  Living in a too Big or Old House
38.  No Side Income 
39.  Lack of Financial Knowledge
40.  Not Trying New Things

41.  Not Enough Self Control
42.  Smartphone Addiction
43.  Lack of Alone Time
44.  Not Simplifying
45.  Being Impulsive
46.  Not Being a Good Spouse or Parent        
47.  Pressure to Spend Money
48.  Not Getting up Early
49.  Too Obsessed with Money
50. Not Realizing Money Drain

51.   Too Interested in Politics
52.  Not Recognizing Opportunities
53.  Believing Loss as Profit Mistakenly
54.  No Help from Parents
55.  Having Obnoxious Character
56.  Getting Married By Pressure
57.  No Plan B
58. Concerning Other Eyes Too Much
59.  Low Self Standard
60.  Not Knowing “Enough”

61.  Living in a Disastrous Area
62.  Investing Wrong Way
63.  Having Lived a Too Fine Life
64.  Being Overly Jealous
65.  Too Much Showing Off
66.  Being Unlucky
67.  Not Solving Housing Problem Quickly
68.  Much on Ceremonies and Anniversaries
69.  Not Using Infrastructure Already Built
70.  Not Working While Being Wealthy

71.  Being Too Superstitious
72.  Being Afraid of Success
73.  Not Setting Realistic Goals
74.  Going for Short Term Profit Much
75.  Being Deceptive
76.  Being Too Arrogant
77.  Not Going Straight to “Profitable or Not”
78.  Not Being Calm in Critical Moments
79.  Not Being Nice to Weak Creatures
80.  Not Having Room To Breathe

Quotes by Brad
About Brad

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